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Distributors aren’t.

Inverter Advantages

Inverter Advantages

Arc Stability Inverter power sources have been around for decades. As reliability now equals that of the older transformer rectifier (TR) design, they are more popular than ever.  One reason is...

Constant Voltage for Wire Processes

Constant Voltage for Wire Processes

Not All Constant Voltage is Equal Constant Voltage (CV) is the most common output for wire processes, but both Miller and Lincoln sometimes use the term loosely. The Miller Bobcat volt-amp curve...

Electrode Diameter & Current Density

Electrode Diameter & Current Density

Myth Exposed: Electrode Diameter and Current Density Selecting the correct wire diameter for MIG, Submerged Arc (SAW), and Flux Cored Arc (FCAW) welding can be a challenge. That is because there are...