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All gas is created equal.
Distributors aren’t.

Industrial Vending Reduces Cost

Industrial Vending Reduces Cost

Reduce Inventory, Consumption, PO’s and Headaches Reduce inventory of abrasives, gloves/PPE supplies, and welding supplies by 15% to 20% (conservatively) with industrial vending. For a company...

Sequential Pulsed MIG for Aluminum

Sequential Pulsed MIG for Aluminum

A High Speed Option to Ultra Slow TIG Traditionally, GTAW lends itself well to the welding of thin gauge aluminum.  On AC polarity, the operator easily strikes a balance between oxide surface...

Digital Square Wave AC Output

Digital Square Wave AC Output

The Future of Submerged Arc Welding In Colorado, constant voltage (CV) DC polarity is still used in most submerged arc (sub-arc) applications. It is still used, in large part, because the systems...